Elissa and I have more or less run our farm year ’round since June 2019. Main season market, winter market, repeat. We’re going to change things up this time. We’re going to attempt to take a break over the winter. We’ll see how it goes. Anyway, the 2021 main season market is still currently very much in session and will continue through the first week of December. And we will continue to show up until then, Thanksgiving weekend being one exception. Here’s what the calendar is looking like regarding our attendance at the Saturday Manassas farmer’s market AND which Sundays we plan to have our roadside farm stand open…

Now, having said all of the above, I don’t know whether Manassas plans to have a farmer’s market that Thanksgiving weekend. Either way, we won’t be there :-p. Also, we believe that Manassas will have a “holiday market” Saturday, December 11, and will likely begin the winter market season Saturday, December 18. But, again, we do not plan on attending any of those dates, so please seek specifics elsewhere for that information. We plan to resume farmer’s market attendance the first weekend of March 2022 (which will still technically be the latter part of the winter market season). We don’t yet know where the winter market will be located…. we would guess either the Harris Pavilion (same as last winter market) or the commuter lot across from Baldwin Elementary (same as current main season market). As we get nearer to our first return date in March, we’ll post with up-to-date details on where / when you can find us, etc.
Though we do plan to take a break for a bit over the winter, we may still do the occasional blog post, video, etc to check in and update everyone on our goings-on. We will likely begin growing fresh batches of lettuce, herbs, etc as we get into the latter portion of January 2022, and activity around the farm will ramp up from there as we get nearer to March.
Regarding our roadside farm stand, we plan to continue to have it open on Sundays from 9am – 2pm through the first week of December, as indicated in the image above. However, we don’t yet know whether / when we will resume the farm stand after that. We’re generally weighing our options and will keep you posted!
Anyway, all for now. Tomorrow (Friday) is looking pretty rainy, but we’ll hope that all wraps up decently so that the Saturday market remains unaffected. Hope to see you there! And Happy Halloween!