no market April 2

Elissa at the 3/19 market.

A quick notice that there will be no farmer’s market on April 2. March 26 will be the last “winter market” date, then no market April 2, and then “main season” market begins April 9. To our knowledge, location will remain the commuter lot across from Baldwin Elementary. From a customer perspective, the only real difference between the two seasons is that the winter market runs from 9am – 1pm, whereas the main season market will be 8am – 1pm. I believe the April 2 break is for market manager time off, planning purposes, etc.

I should caveat that all of the above applies to the Saturday market. Manassas has typically also had a Thursday market, at least for the main season, but I don’t yet know any details about that. (We don’t currently plan on attending the Thursday market regardless.)

All for now! Hope to see you on 3/26 (9am – 1pm)!

3/12 market cancelled!

Just got word from the market managers that the 3/12 Manassas farmer’s market has been cancelled due to anticipated bad weather (super cold, windy, precipitation of various kinds, etc). Probably for the best. We’ll look ahead to 3/19. For anyone who had a pre-order for pickup on 3/12, we will roll that forward to 3/19. If you aren’t able to pickup on 3/19, please contact us to let us know!

Hope to see you next week!

egg pre-orders for 3/12

We’re now taking pre-orders for eggs for pickup at the March 12 Manassas farmer’s market. We ask $3.50 / half dozen for chicken eggs and $4.50 / half dozen for duck eggs. As far as supply, plenty of chicken eggs, somewhat limited on duck eggs. Feel free to contact us at to place an order!