And we’ll be there!

Some changes coming for this season:
- For duck eggs only: Due to the supply/demand situation with duck eggs, we’ll be doing away with ability to place multiple pre-orders. Henceforth, a customer can only place a single pre-order at a time. So, for example, if you do a pre-order to pickup a future week, you can’t place a subsequent pre-order until you’ve picked up your eggs from the first pre-order. We’re hoping this approach allows us to provide a wider breadth of customers with eggs than has been the case in recent seasons.
- We will likely not have much lettuce mix for sale at the market for the next several months. At this point, most/all of the lettuce we grow goes to our restaurant customer in Haymarket (Hidden Julles). We’re mid-way through construction of a large greenhouse to boost lettuce production and allow us to bring more to the market, but it will be some time before that’s online.
- We will be raising our multi-discount price to $6 for one item, $5/item for 2+ items (ie 2 for $10, 3 for $15, etc). Items that this affects include microgreens, lettuce mix, and potted herbs.
The Saturday market will be located at the same location as recent years… a commuter parking lot across the street from Baldwin Elementary. With new management running the market, we don’t yet know where our stand will be located amongst the other vendors, but we’ll keep you posted if it ends up being a different spot than prior years.
It’s been a nice handful of months off, but we do look forward to seeing old and new customers again!
Hope to see you!