Shout out to Doug Taylor, owner of Paragon Electric, LLC for assisting us with an electric service install for our up-and-coming greenhouse. We asked him to run 100 Amps from our house breaker box out to the greenhouse and he got it all done over the course of 3 days. No nonsense and professional… I’d highly recommend him for your electrical needs. And a high five to Sunshine Honey Farm down the street from us for posting about Paragon’s work on their greenhouse a year or two ago… I specifically called Paragon thanks to that post!

I’m hoping to add a water line to this same trench this coming weekend which will take water from an outside house spigot, run in the trench across the yard to within a few feet of the greenhouse, then be accessible via hydrant. The bottom of the trench is 2 feet below grade, which may or may not be below frost line (need to google it some more to really be sure). I’ve ordered an adapter which we can screw onto one end of the line to allow us to blow out any residual water to mitigate damage from freezing.

Generally aiming to have this greenhouse up and running before the market starts back up in April. Ideally producing something on the order of 30 pounds of lettuce a week initially, but we’ll see how things go. We’re hoping to provide plenty of lettuce for the market in 2025.