This past Saturday (11/23) was the last market day of the “main season” for the Manassas Farmer’s Market. November 30 through March 28 is the “winter market”, which we’ve signed up for. It’s essentially no different than the main season market, though it runs from 9am – 1pm on Saturdays, rather than 8am – 1pm as was the schedule in the main season.
That said, we’ll be taking a number of weeks off between now and mid-January, so we wanted to give a heads up on when we plan to skip and when we plan to attend…

As a disclaimer, this is all per our understanding of the market schedule, and sometimes that doesn’t always jive with what the market organizers are planning, etc, etc. If this plan changes in the future, we’ll provide another update.
I should also add that if you would like any of our products during this period and are willing to make the drive to our house in Nokesville, we can hook you up. Just send us an email at with your order and we can get back to you to make arrangements. For microgreens, please note the grow times listed on our products page… in some cases (eg basil), it could be 2-3 weeks before we’d have your order ready for pickup, so please just keep that in mind.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!