We’re starting to get our first batches of salad greens from the garden! All 8 of the following greens will be combined into one big ol’ mix of veggie goodness:
- 4 different lettuces:
- green oak leaf
- red oak leaf
- red romaine
- green Batavian
- red Russian kale
- mustard
- rainbow Swiss Chard
- arugula

We’re going to offer this mix for sale at the Manassas Farmer’s Market in a 6 ounce bag. The market is still pre-order only, so please contact us if you’d like to arrange an order. Pricing will be similar to what we do for microgreens: $5 for a single bag or $4 per bag for two or more bags. And you can mix and match the salad mix bags with microgreens as desired (for example, a bag of salad mix and a 5×5 microgreens tray would cost $8 total). And, as always, we have plenty of microgreens this week, as well!
Meanwhile, we’re completely sold out of chicken eggs this week. There has been a massive increase in egg demand over the past month or so. We used to have a healthy reserve of eggs to rely on, but we’re at the point now where we’re essentially taking orders for eggs that haven’t even been laid yet! If you’d like chicken eggs, all we can really do at the moment is place an order for you for the following week (ie May 2 market). We do still have some duck eggs available this week.
We’ve sown batches of cherry tomatoes and peanuts inside and will be planting them out in the garden next month… hopefully some good stuff to come over the summer. Looking forward to eventually resuming the traditional farmer’s market setup with tents and sampling and lots of people browsing around… maybe in a month or two or three? We haven’t heard anything on that front, but we’ll let you know if we do. Stay healthy, everyone!