So this is our current understanding of the market schedule, as well as our current attendance plans. I believe the market hours will be 8am – 1pm from now through December 5, but then transition to 9am – 1pm beginning with the December 19 market. Of course, all of this is subject to change at any point, and we’ll provide updates if / when those changes happen.
In the garden, our fall salad mix production has kicked in, so we’ll hopefully have a decent supply of salad mix and lettuce mix bags at the market for the next however many weeks. We’re still getting a small number of cherry tomatoes… frost hasn’t totally killed them off yet! And peanuts have all been harvested at this point, so we’ll continue bring cartons of them every week until they’re gone.
The birds have slowed down with eggs, whether due to molting and/or reaction to less light in the day at this time of year, etc. We’re still getting duck and chicken eggs, just at a lower rate than we would during the warmer months. The eggs continue to sell out every week, sometimes before we even arrive at the market. If you’d like eggs, you’re welcome to ask us to get you on the reservation list for a future week, etc.
Inside in the grow room, we’re still carrying on with microgreens as usual. This last basil experiment was educational, and we’ve started growing what we hope to be our first real-deal production basil pots. So hopefully late November / early December we can start bringing those to the market in limited quantities.
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well or at least hangin’ in there! We always look forward to seeing you all on market Saturday. I’ll take a moment to plug our other social media outlets… we’re on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, so feel free to check any of those links out and give us a like or a subscribe to get updates from us as we post them. Thanks as always!